Starting in her adolescent years in France and on into adulthood and mature years spent here in the United States, Danielle Bensky has devoted her life's work to the visual arts, moving from drawing and painting, to sculpture, chiefly in bronze, and back to an intense and ongoing investment in painting. Over these many decades of creativity, she has been sensitive to a great variety of schools and traditions, as formative underpinnings of visual freedom in the exploration of indwelling themes and inspiration, modulated by the passage of time. Neither exclusively based on personal and oneiric imagery nor the imprint of external events being experienced in the here and now, her works in both media move easily and without premeditation between the dramatic and the playful, the archetypal and the prompting of aesthetic caprice. All spheres of human activity and consciousness can be potential sources of inspiration, from the most immediate and physical to the most distant, secret, and spiritual. Some themes are destined to stand alone in visual solitude, while others engender an extended family of variants, creating a series.

And yet, there is a deep constancy to Danielle Bensky's creative offerings: She calls it Narrative Symbolism, by which she is designating each work, principally her paintings, as " visual stories in the making ", the point of departure of situations or events which seek the cooperation of the viewer's imagination and an invitation to join in the choreography of texture, color, and form.